What can I do if I can’t access databases or login to e-resources?
Answered By: Emily Wu Last Updated: 30 Aug 2024Views: 13
If you are a staff starting a new or renewal contract, it takes 1 – 2 working days from the start of your NetID activation for the Library to receive your particulars from other University offices. Please try accessing the Library’s databases/e-resources the next day.
In addition, you are also recommended to:
1) Verify that your account is valid (e.g. not expired upon graduation)
2) Ensure your NetID and password are correct
3) Access all Library-subscribed resources through PolyU Library database page
4) Check if there is any service suspension of the database or e-resource platform
5) Clear your browser cache and cookies or access the databases/e-resources using a private browsing window
6) Use another device to see if the issue is device-specific
If the problem persists, please provide the corresponding screen captures via the Online Form for further assistance.