
Can I apply for a JULAC Library card to access other UGC-funded libraries?

Answered By: Research Support (LIB)
Last Updated: 27 Sep 2021Views: 1037

Eligible PolyU staff and students can apply online for a Joint University Librarians Advisory Committee Library Card (JULAC Library Card) to access other UGC-funded university libraries. 

Eligibility - JULAC Borrower’s Card

  • UGC-funded postgraduate degree and non-degree students*
  • PolyU’s self-financed postgraduate degree students*
  • Full-time academic, research and administrative staff of equivalent status

* excluding exchange students


Eligibility - JULAC Reader Card

  • UGC-funded undergraduate degree students (excluding exchange students)

A $50 registration fee will be charged by each host library and registration is valid until 31 July each year.


For more details and application procedures, please visit