Will Library work with other publishers to obtain APC waiver for PolyU researchers to publish in OA?
Answered By: Research Support (LIB) Last Updated: 01 Feb 2024Views: 37
Yes. As a read-and-publish agreement combines the subscription cost to access journals by our researchers (READ) and the payment for publishing articles in Open Access by PolyU authors via waived APC (PUBLISH), the price of the agreement will be determined by a variety of factors, including the current and future trend of PolyU's authorship with their journals. Our Library will continue to participate in conversations with publishers in order to establish a cost-effective and sustainable deal that benefits our University in the long run, particularly one that limits the chance of "double-dipping" by the publishers and agreements that would really be transformative in a long run where contracts negotiated between institutions and publishers will transform the business model underlying scholarly publishing towards a model that is fully open access. Learn more about our current Transformative Agreements here.