
The publisher of the journals I usually publish in does not have a TA with PolyU. What can I do to make my articles open access?

Answered By: Research Support (LIB)
Last Updated: 01 Feb 2024Views: 38

If the publisher of the journals you usually publish in does not have a transformative agreement with PolyU, you have the following options to make your article open access:

  1. Deposit in PolyU Institutional Research Archive (PIRA): You can publish your article without the open access option and deposit the final accepted manuscript in PIRA. Learn more about OA Archiving and how to deposit your work in PIRA.
  2. Self-funding: You can choose to pay the APC yourself using your research funding (if available) to make your article open access.

Our Library will continue to participate in conversations with publishers to establish a cost-effective and sustainable deal that benefits our University in the long run.