
What should I input for the "OpenURL Path" and the "Authenticate URL" for finding full-text?


Please refer to information below:

OpenURL Path:

Authenticate URL:

Please remember that Find Full Text function is limited by the University's subscription and other technical issues including the compatibility of individual content providers.

It has been noted that some providers such as EBSCO, JSTOR, OpenAthns, Wiley, and ScienceDirect do not support this function.

Due to these limitations, EndNote may not able to download and attach the PDF automatically. Thus, it is possible that EndNote found the article URL only, or even found nothing. In this case, just download the full-text PDF via OneSearch or other databases and attach it manually to the reference.

You are also reminded to only download the full-text of the articles you intend to read, in order to avoid triggering the excessive or systematic download which is prohibited and may cause University-wide suspension to affected databases.

For more details, please refer to our online guide for EndNote (click on “Find Full Text”) and Clarivate’s EndNote FAQ.

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